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If you are involved in a car accident, there are several things that are important to do, if possible. Following an accident, things typically move extremely fast, and it is difficult to know/remember what is important to do. Hopefully, this blog will give you the essentials things to do following a motor vehicle crash.

Get Medical Assistance

First, and foremost, you should get medical assistance if you are injured. Your health and well-being are the most important things after a crash. Request EMS assistance if you feel any type of abnormal condition. Many serious injuries are not always readily apparent so having a trained professional examine you is always a good idea. It is also important to note that many injuries do not show up for several days. Once you experience symptoms, you should go to the emergency room or your doctor to get checked out. Listen to your body and seek medical assistance as soon as you can.

Call the Police

Call the police or have someone do it if you are not able to. There are many factors involved in a car accident and having a police officer investigate the crash is critically important. The police officer will obtain a statement of what happened from the involved drivers, passengers, and witnesses. Important information such as the name, address, driver’s license number, and insurance information will also be obtained from each driver, as well as information about their vehicle. Oftentimes, the police officers at the scene will have bodycams that will record important information at the scene like the crash scene itself and statements of the involved drivers. The investigating police officer will create a written report following the accident that will document the results of their investigation and contain conclusions about the factors that caused the crash. The report will also document any citations that were issued. The police report will usually be available 10-14 days following the accident and available online. The crash report can be extremely helpful in establishing who is at fault if a personal injury claim is made.

Obtain the Other Driver’s Information

Sometimes, the police are not called, or they decide not to respond to the scene. If this happens, you need to make sure you get the other driver’s information. At a minimum, you should obtain the following information:

  • The driver’s name, address, and phone number.
  • The driver’s make, model, year, and license plate number of their vehicle.
  • The driver’s Driver’s License number.
  • The driver’s insurance company, policy number, and phone number for claims.
  • A copy/picture of their Driver’s License and insurance card.

Getting this critical information is essential if you end up needing to file a personal injury claim for your injuries.

Photograph the Scene and Vehicles

Take as many pictures and video of the accident scene as you can. Clear pictures of the vehicles involved and the damage to the vehicles are important to document. Street signs, road signs, and landmarks are also helpful to record. The skid marks and debris on the road are also important pieces of evidence to document photographically. If possible, photograph and video the resting places of the vehicles before they are moved. If construction is in the immediate vicinity, photograph it. Consider doing a drawing of any important roadway conditions, signs, traffic lights, etc.

Obtain Witness Information

If there are witnesses who saw what happened, or came onto the scene immediately afterwards, make sure you get their contact information. If possible, get a video recording of their account of what happened.

Document Your Injuries

Document your injuries. Take pictures and video of your injuries. Bruises, cuts, and abrasions will heal overtime so it is important to document those physical injuries as soon as you can. Consider keeping a diary of your injuries, how they are impacting your daily life in terms of frequency, duration, and severity. Make a note of anything that is different in your

Do Not Post on Social Media

Refrain from posting about the accident or your injuries on all social media platforms. In fact, you should not post at all following your accident. If you file a personal injury claim, one of the first things the opposing insurance company will do is search for your social media accounts to see what you have posted. Any social media post can be taken out of context, misinterpreted, and wrongfully used against you in your personal injury case. Even the most benign posts can be detrimental to your case. Be assured, the insurance company will do everything it can to minimize your claim and avoid paying you the compensation you deserve. It is important to note that if you do post something, do not delete it once you anticipate making a claim. Such actions can be used against you if a case is pursued.

Do Not Speak with or Give a Statement to the Opposing Insurance Company

The opposing insurance company will most likely call you, or in some cases, show up at your home or workplace wanting to take your statement about what happened and if you sustained any injuries. Do not speak with them. Anything you say will most assuredly be used against you if the insurance company thinks it will help their case. Simply tell the insurance company that you are not willing to speak with them at this time. Bottom line-DO NOT SPEAK WITH THEM!

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Last, but certainly not least, you should consider calling and hiring a personal injury lawyer. Oftentimes, the simplest of car accidents turn into complex matters. Having an experienced attorney on your side can ensure that your interests are protected. Further, an attorney can do a lot of the initial work that is needed to investigate the accident, contact the insurance companies, and gather critical evidence to support your case.

Guajardo Injury Law has extensive experience in representing clients who have been injured in a car accident. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, give us a call. Our consultations are free, and we are always available to assist you and answer your questions. Guajardo Injury Law (512) 500-2450.

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